This page contains all the required documents to be completed for pre-entry clinical placements in Queensland Health facilities. Please only use versions of these documents sourced from this page, as they are current. Locally held or saved documents may not be correct for your placement.
To confirm whether your education provider has a current and valid Student Placement Deed, please visit the Student Placement Deed holders page.
Resources for Education Providers/Hospital and Health Services
Reference documents
- Student Placement Deed - Example [PDF 791.19 KB]
- Document Reference List [PDF 1170.11 KB]
- Schedule signatory list [PDF 325.4 KB]
- Clinical placements program - Fees framework, October 2021
[PDF 2196.88 KB] - Student Placement Schedule (Schedule 3) Completion Notes [PDF 544.3 KB]
- ABN List Queensland Health [PDF 129.74 KB]
Documents for completion
- Student Placement Schedule (Schedule 3) - Hospital and Health Services [DOCX 203.89 KB]
- Student Placement Schedule (Schedule 3) - Department of Health [DOCX 203.33 KB]*
- Supervisor Deed Poll - Hospital and Health Services [PDF 844.2 KB]
- Supervisor Deed Poll - Department of Health [PDF 445.53 KB]*
* Department of Health clinical placements include those undertaken with Biomedical Technology Services, Central Pharmacy, Forensic and Scientific Services, Pathology Queensland, Health Contact Centre, and Divisions of the Department where clinical placements meeting criteria for coverage under this legal instrument are undertaken.
Resources for students
Documents for completion
- Student Orientation Checklist [PDF 2880.01 KB] - open with Mozilla Firefox or Explorer for full functionality
- Student Deed Poll - Hospital and Health Services [PDF 421.98 KB]
- Student Deed Poll - Department of Health [PDF 443.82 KB]*
- Student Deed Poll (Externally enrolled scholars) [PDF 687.52 KB]
* Department of Health clinical placements include those undertaken with Biomedical Technology Services, Central Pharmacy, Forensic and Scientific Services, Pathology Queensland, Health Contact Centre, and Divisions of the Department where clinical placements meeting criteria for coverage under this legal instrument are undertaken.