If you're interested in working in a specific location, you can contact the relevant recruitment team directly.

Contact a recruitment team

Department of Health

Email: DOHrecruitment@health.qld.gov.au

eHealth Queensland recruitment services

Email: eHealth-Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au

Human Resource Advisory Service (HRAS)

Recruitment team (formerly Health Support Queensland)
Email: HRAS-Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au

RMO and Registrar Campaign – Junior doctors

Email: rmo-recruitment@health.qld.gov.au

Intern Campaign - Junior doctors

Email: Intern-recruitment@health.qld.gov.au

Hospitals and health services

Cairns and Hinterland

Phone: 07 4226 5124
Email: Recruitment.Cairns@health.qld.gov.au

Central Queensland

Phone: 07 4920 5618
Email: Recruitment.Rockhampton@health.qld.gov.au

Central West

Phone: 07 4650 4017
Email: Cw-people-and-culture@health.qld.gov.au

Children's Health Queensland

Phone: 07 3069 7051
Email: CHQ-Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au

Darling Downs

Phone: 07 4699 8310
Email: Recruitment_Toowoomba@health.qld.gov.au

Gold Coast

Phone: 07 5667 3209
Medical Workforce email: GCHMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au
Nursing and Midwifery Recruitment email: NursingMidwiferyRecruitment_GoldCoast@health.qld.gov.au
Mental Health Recruitment email: MHSSRecruitment_GoldCoast@health.qld.gov.au
All other streams recruitment email: Recruitment_GoldCoast@health.qld.gov.au


Medical - doctors only
Phone: 07 4885 7516
Email: MackayMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au

Other recruitment, including nurses, health practitioners, administration and operational
Phone: 07 4885 6800 - option 1
Email: Mackay.Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au

Last updated: July 2024