Transcript for Bec's healthy move
[Peaceful piano music plays in the background]
>> Bec:
The early morning and later in the afternoon, it’s just beautiful here. It looks and feels like you’re in the tropics.
I moved to Rockhampton 4 years ago with nothing by two suitcases and my 2 dogs. I didn’t know a soul here but moving to a warmer climate was a big part of the appeal and I’ve made just an incredible group of friends.
It was quite a big leap of faith but all in all it’s just fallen into place.
We’re a really close-knit team which I think is so important in an emergency department. You get quite deep into your community because this job’s a real leveler. You look after everyone from little babies who are a few days old to people at the end of their life so it’s very varied and the medical staff really trust our skills.
Working with a team that I consider family just makes the work all the more satisfying.
Queensland Health have always been good to me. They’re a great employer. They’ve got good pay rates, good benefits and I always feel really supported.
I love my work but having a really good work-life balance is so important to me.
It’s a really great mix of people here and we all have in common just that really relaxed approach to life.
Any big life change like this is always going to be a bit scary but I’m so glad that I did it.
I absolutely love living here and I love my life here.
>> Voiceover: With hundreds of health jobs available in regional, rural and remote Queensland, make a healthy career move today.
[Background music Fades]
[Text on screen] Ongoing training and professional support. Attractive salary packages. Relocation and housing support.
[Text on screen] Search for Queensland Health Jobs
[Queensland Government Crest appears on screen]
[Tagline on screen] Queensland, Good jobs, Better services, Great Lifestyle.
End of transcript